Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in our Teaching Community

I found an interesting article the other day about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome that I thought I would share with you entitled Designing Behaviour Intervention Plans for students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Programming Considerations and Strategies: Beyond Behaviour.  This resource influences my thought and practice about the condition significantly because it divides the problem up and lists strategies that I will be able to use in my teaching. I can see similarities of strategies that are used with other disabilities that help teach to students with them. For example, to use manipulatives and concrete examples is a common strategy used with many learning disabilities. This article helps me deal with the condition and this is important because I know that it is on the rise. From researching this subject I discovered that there are approximately one in every 100 live births that have characteristics that are attributed to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Studies have shown that it has increased over the years and is continuing to increase. This article influences my practice because it better equips me with the tools that I can add to my skills set to make me a better teacher.

Website for this Article:
 If you cannot access this website I have pasted Table 4 below:
• Assess amount and type of transitions, identifying diffi cult areas and transitions.
• Assess staff needs and re-assign, if necessary, to transition points. Train staff in recognizing diffi culties in transition and in cueing student
through transition times.
• Modify demands of transition and/or provide peer or adult support throughout transition.
• Provide visual cues for transitions, such as clock faces, picture of next environment, cards with time remaining shown, signal cards with
colors/actions on them, large calendar of daily schedules.
• Review daily and weekly schedules with students throughout day, pointing out changes, when they will occur, and expectations for each
period. Post small version of daily schedule on desk and large version on wall of classroom.
• Devote time to rehearsing the behavior expected for transitions and future events.
• Provide visual and concrete organization tools, such as charts, folders, notebooks, pictures related to transitions (e.g., pictures of books to
take to next setting, how to walk to music class). Paste a chart in student’s locker, if student transitions to other

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